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5. Read the ingredients and answer the questions.
a) How much oil does it need to prepare the eggs to the Mexican style?
b) How many eggs does it need to prepare the eggs to the Mexican style?
c) How many onions does it need to prepare the eggs to the Mexican style?
d) How much salt does it need to prepare the eggs to the Mexican style?
e) How many tomatoes does it need to prepare the eggs to the Mexican style?
6. Complete the questions with “much/many”.
a) How _______________ sugar does Mary need?
b) How _______________ apples do you want?
c) How _______________ oranges do you need to prepare an orange juice?
d) How _______________ oil does she need?
e) How _______________ milk does Susan need for the milkshake?
f ) How _______________ sandwiches do you want?
Check your progress
Write Countable / Uncountable.
A) How much butter is there?
There is a bar.
B) How many onions are there?
There are three.
Eggs to the Mexican style
For two portions
4 eggs
3 tomatoes
Half an onion
A spoon of oil
Five chilies
Salt as you like
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