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c) How much milk does Lucy’s mother want?
d) How many kilos of apples does Lucy’s mother need?
e) Where is Lucy going to buy the things required by her mother?
4. Complete the chart with information in the dialogue and in the supermarket
Notice that a certain quantity of things in general are uncountable (flour, coffee,
water, sugar, etc.) is expressed using a quantifier followed by
and an
uncountable noun (a kilo of sugar, a cup of flour, four spoons of coffee, etc.)
5. Match the pictures with the expressions.
a) a tube of tooth paste
b) a bottle of oil
c) a glass of water
d) a kilo of sugar
e) a box of cereal
f ) a bag of potato chips
g) a bar of butter
h) a packet of pasta
i) a can of tuna fish
j) a jar of mayonnaise
a kilo of rice
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