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2. Design the cover of the profile book. Use a piece of construction paper. On
the cover write the name of your school, the name of your book, your grade and
group and your teacher’s name. You can put an illustration.
3. Use a stapler or a clip to join all the biographies with the covers. Also you can
fasten your book.
4. You can exchange your books with other groups. Also you can put them in
the library of your school or in your classroom.
Aim: Students will answer some exercises about past simple tense and past
continuous using the knowledge learned in this unit.
1. Read the biography.
Luis Pasteur
Luis Pasteur was born in Dole,
France, on December 27
, 1822. He
discovered that germs and microbes
methods of sterilization. He was the
first person to develop and use
vaccines that helped animals and
people. He developed
This is a technique that killed the
microbes that contaminated food
products but did not destroy the
nutrients. He was an extraordinary
and talented scientist. He died at the
age of 73.
Lesson 28
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