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4. Share the answers that you wrote and discuss about a place that you would
like to promote in a travel brochure.
5. Discuss about the place (a state, a town, a city, a country, your community)
that you are going to promote and write it.
Name of the place: ________________________________________________
6. Look in the Internet or in an encyclopedia for the information about the place
that you have chosen. You will need it for the next class in order to create a
travel brochure. In the brochure you have to include aspects as the weather, the
location, accommodation, restaurants, costs, how you can get there, the map of
the place, etc. Also you will need pictures to illustrate the brochure.
Aim: Students will organize the information about the touristic place that they
Project: A travel brochure. Part two
Organize the information
1. Get in teams of four students in order to read and share the information that
you brought to the classroom.
2. Take notes about the relevant information that you want to include in your
travel brochure and write it.
Name of the place: ________________________________________________
Places to visit:
Restaurants: _____________________________________________________
How you can get there: ____________________________________________
Other important aspects: ___________________________________________
The map of the place:
3. Design a draft of the travel brochure. Distribute all the information in a sheet
of paper then, show it to your teacher in order to check it.
4. Think about the material that you will need to create your travel brochure and
about how you are going to illustrate it. Bring the material for the next class.
Lesson 85