Practica esta lección: Ir al examen
Check your progress
Order the words to write sentences.
a) won’t / People / sweep or mop / in the future
b) traffic jams / won’t / There / any / be
c) will / wonderful / enjoy / in Mars / People / vacation
d) be / There / hotels / will / in the moon
For the next class you will need some information about endangered
animals in the world or in your community; magazines, scissors and glue.
Aim: Students will identify the endangered animals.
Animals in danger
1. Circle the endangered species.
2. Read the following information.
Teacher: What are the main endangered species?
Mario: The giant panda.
Teresa: The Chinese tiger.
Pablo: The polar beer.
Eduardo: Mice.
Teacher: That’s no funny Eduardo. This is a serious problem. Read the
following information.
Lesson 108